
Gujarat University Online Exam Forms Correction System May - 2012

ReadMe_First_Exam_v5_0_101129.doc 1 / 2Rollwala Computer CentreGujarat University, Ahmedabad-9Online Exam Forms Correction System (EFCS) v.6.0 (2012)Important Instructions[A] Startup:(1) Establish an internet connection.(2) Open the web browser like Internet Explorer and open the website of GujaratUniversity by entering www.gujaratuniversity.org.in in the address area.(3) On the Home Page, click on “Examinations” under “Student Corner”.(4) On the “Examinations” page, click on the “Notices” and on the “Notices”page, click on “Online Exam Form Correction System”.(5) Click on the “Important Instructions” to open and download the local copyof important instructions or alternately, read the instructions online.(6) Click at the bottom line to start the login process. If asked for <Open> or<Save> options, select <Open> option. This will show a login screen with“rccexam” as the Username. Click “OK” without entering any Password.(7) At the opening screen, select the Exam. Code and the College Code from theDropdown list and enter the Password provided for yourCollege/Department/School. Also click on the Fresher Option IF the studentsare Fresher only. Then Click <OK> to start the software for Exam FormCorrections. Mouse or the <Tab> key may be used to go to the next field.[B] Exam Form Correction:(8) The <Entry> option at the Menu provides 2 (two) sub options viz. (i) DataEntry by Application and (ii) Download Data to Excel.(9) Select (i) <Data Entry by Application> to correct the forms online likeprevious year. This will open up blank screen for correction.(10) To display the details of the first student, click the <First> button or providethe Previous Month, Year and the Seat No. of the first candidate (thisinformation can be obtained from the listing provided by the university withthis CD) and click on the <Search> button. For First Year/Sem Freshstudents, however, enter the Enrol./Regi. No. instead of previous year’sinformation. After modification, click on the <Update> button to save thechanges. To delete this student click on the <Delete> button. Click the<Next> button to bring the next candidate details on the screen.(11) To add a new candidate, click on the <New> button and enter details of thecandidate on the blank screen and then click the <Save> button.(12) After the modifications are saved, new modifications in the same candidatecan be made but don’t forget to click on the <Update> button again.(13) The buttons <Next>, <Prev>, <First> and <Last> can be used to navigateamongst the candidates.(14) When entry is over, select/click the <Exit> button to close entry screen.ReadMe_First_Exam_v5_0_101129.doc 2 / 2[C] Printing List:(15) The data entered/modified can be printed by choosing the <Report> optionfrom the Menu. The data of all candidates will appear on the screen.(16) The local copy of the list displayed on the screen can be downloaded byselecting the <Print> option on the right bottom side of the screen. This willsave the entire report as a PDF file on the C: drive of your local computerwith file name C:\EXAM_Report_ex_clg.pdf (where ex is the Exam Codeand clg is the College/School Code). This PDF file can be printed later onthe attached printer. An A4 size paper is sufficient for printing the list.(17) The entered/modified/available data may be downloaded to an Excel file forfuture college/department use by selecting the “Download data to Excel” suboption of the “Entry” option. Click this sub option and all available recordsfor that Exam will be copied to an Excel file in the local C: drive with filename “C:\EXAM_Download_ex_clg.xls”.[D] Submission:(18) Once all students records are entered/modified for the examination, get alldata downloaded and printed using the <Report> option from main Menu forsubmission to the University. Make the signature and office stamp of thePrincipal on the printed copy. Submit the printed hard copy list to the Exam.Department, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad-9.(19) There is NO need for sending the CD containing softcopy of data.[E] Support and Guidance:(20) If you find any difficulty, in opening, running the software, entering ExamForm Correction Data, taking Printouts, please contact Rollwala ComputerCentre, Gujarat University, on Phone: (079) 26300164 or (079) 26300877 or99784 08013.You may also visit Rollwala Computer Centre for any help/support/guidanceduring 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. on all working days.Sd/-20th April, 2012 RegistrarAhmedabad Gujarat University

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