
Gujarat University Navrangpura, Ahmedabad – 380009, Gujarat, India (www.gujaratuniversity.org.in)

Gujarat University
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad – 380 009, Gujarat, India.
Phone : +91-079-26301341, +91-079-26300342/43 Fax : +91-079-26302654
Website : www.gujaratuniversity.org.in
(Established 23rd November, 1949)

An Overview
University Established
23rd November, 1949
University Head Quarter
Land-estate of the University
Acres 260
No. of Affiliated Colleges (2005-2006)
No. of Recognised Institutions (2004-2005)
No. of Approved Institutions (2005-2006)
No. of Examinations held in March/April 2004
No. of Examinations held in October/November 2004
No.of Students appeared in March/April 2004 Examination
No. of Students appeared in October/November 2004 Examination
No. of University P. G. Depts. (2004-2005)
No. of University P. G. Centres (Subjectwise) (2004-2005)
Total No. of University Teachers (P. G. Depts.) (As on 14-6-2005)
Total No. of Non-Teaching Staff in the University (As on 14-6-2005)
No. of fresh students enrolled at Under-graduate level (2004-2005)
No. of external students Appeared at U.G. level (April-2004)
Name of the Faculty
UG Students   (2004-2005)
PG Students  (2004-2005)





Nursing & Physiotherapy



Engineering &Technology

Physical Education

Business Management

Computer Application




Highlights of the University

§          Oldest and biggest university of the State
§          Most preferred university among students for professional courses
§          Regular and timely conduct of Academic Programs
§          Timely conduct of examinations and declaration of results
§          Internal and external evaluation
§          Highly co-operative staff
§          Culture of academic autonomy to faculty members
§          Introduce market oriented courses
§          Participation of students in decision making
§          Highest enrolment of students in the undergraduate and post graduate courses in the State.
§          External programs are extremely popular in spite of two open universities in the State/City.
§          Administration and management of the university with a lean staff, therefore higherproductivity per employee.
§          Timely and transparent election to power bodies.
§          Well placed alumni all over the globe.
§            Socially sensitive institution.
§            Facility of  Central Consumer  Co-op. Store within university building which works as a sales counter for various forms & stationery to students and provision goods to employees of the university. It also has a facility of photocopying for students.

§           Banking and Postal facility available at university campus.

Latest Career oriented Courses

Gujarat University is engaged in various Post Graduate Programmes at the University Departments apart from the regular Courses taught in the pure subjects. These programmes are interdisciplinary in nature and looking at the present needs of the students and the job prospects at the regional and national level.

Post Graduate Diploma in Financial & Investment Analysis
This course is conducted by School of Commerce for PG students. The curriculum involves financial management, business economics and quantitative techniques, accounting for managers, financial markets and financial services, security analysis and portfolio management, international fiancé, economic legislations and project management. The job avenues for the students are with Corporate Industry, Merchant Bankers and Investment Firms and Stock Exchanges.

Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Markets & Insurance
This course is conducted at School of Commerce looking to the present market scenario and the requirement of large number of Commerce post graduate students. The curriculum targets the financial markets and insurance – financial management, Indian financial system life and non life insurance, techniques of financial analysis, risk management, investment management, marketing of financial services, regulations of financial markets and services. The job avenues are in the Insurance Industry as advisors or financial portfolio planner’s for insurance companies, On the job training at insurance companies, IRDA ( Insurance and regulatory development authority )

Post Graduate Diploma in Foreign Languages

Post Graduate Diploma in Translation

Post Graduate Diploma in Urdu
These course are conducted by the School of Languages and designed to assistance the post graduate students of languages – English, Gujarati and related languages to learn French, German, Urdu. The course is also open to in-service Executives dealing in International Marketing.
The Department of Hindi conducts translation course for students and offers goods avenues for placements.

Post Graduate Programme in Bio-Medical Technology
The course is conducted by Department of Zoology looking to the changing requirements as most of the latest scientific applications for improvement of life are based on Bio-Medical Technology. The course curriculum  includes  - Instrumentation and Methodology, Clinical Biochemistry, Serology, Toxicology, Haematology and Parasotiology, Clinical Pathology, microbiology and Immunology, Clinical Endocinology,Semenology and Radiation diagnostics, Molecular and Clinical Genetics. The job avenues are in the field of  Human Clinical Genetics, Endocrinology, Molecular biology and related field.

Advanced  Post  Graduate Diploma in Space Sciences
The course is designed looking into the development of Indian Space Science program and the demand from the society. The course is conducted in collaboration with Physical Research laboratory and Space Application Centre. The course has been designed to cater to the needs of research, technology development and applications I fields such as communication, remote sensing , electronics, computers etc.

M. Sc., in Bio-Technology
The course is conducted by the Microbiology department. The field of biotechnology represents fusion of biology and technology. Advancement in this field is playing pivotal role in the progress of any country and science. We have started experiencing the fruit of development due to biotechnology globally. The postgraduate course of biotechnology has started in microbiology dept, Gujarat University with 20 seats. The major emphasis is on industrial and environmental aspects of basic principles and developments of biotechnology in general and Microbial technology and its application in particular. Due to this the students form this department will get very good opportunity in pharmaceutical industry, dairy industry, fine chemical industries, Molecular biology research labs, Environmental research labs as well as government organization such as Forensic laboratory, Food and drug control laboratory, Public health laboratories, Pollution control laboratories, Biofertilizer industries, Agriculture organizations, Defense laboratories etc.
We get enquiries from pharmaceuticals industries and other institutions for the recruitment of our students with attractive salary. Gujarat being a industrial state the student with knowledge of biotechnology and microbial technology have very good future for job and further research.

IAS training Center
Gujarat University has restarted the A.D.Shodhan IAS Training Centre in the year 2005 (February) after its closure in the 1990’s. The Centre restarted initially three months Self Finance(Rs.3000) crash programme with 27 students preparing for the Civil services examinations of UPSC, New Delhi (Feb-April 2005). During the academic year the centre conducted six months preparation programmes for civil services examinations (September 2005 – February 2006) with Rs.6000 (Self Finance Programme) 38 students took admission in this programme. This month the programme comes to a close. But till May the centre remains open for students for reading, discussion purpose. The centre plans to introduce preparatory programmes for GPSC, NET/SLET etc examinations in future with self finance.

Certificate course in NET/SLET course
The course is designed for students to prepare themselves for the NET exam conducted by UGC and the SLET exam conducted by State Government.

Center for Development Communications
It offers Masters in Development Communication. The aim of the course is to enhance understanding of the concept of development and communication and its application to mass media. The course also aims to parent sensitive, aware and professionally responsible media professionals by providing participatory, skill based learning environment. The job avenues for the students are the vast advertising and media industry.

Prime recognized Institutes of Gujarat University

Physical Research Laboratory ( PRL )
  • A national centre for research in space and allied sciences, supported mainly by Department of Space.
  • Research programmes cover astronomy and astrophysics, planetary atmosphere and aeronomy, earth sciences and solar system studies and theoretical physics.
  • Manages the Udaipur Solar Observatory.

Space Application Centre ( SAC-ISRO )
  • Conducts space applications research and development in satellite communication and remote sensing.
  • Design and build communication, remote sensing and meteorological satellite payloads and satellite communication earth station equipment.
  • Facilities include mechanical fabrication, electronic fabrication, payload fabrication, MIC fabrication and environmental tests.

  • Also operates Delhi Earth Station for satellite communication.

  • Achievements include development of communication and meteorogical payloads for INSAT and camera payloads for IRS satellites.
  • Currently engaged in development of INSAT communication and meteorological payloads and cameras for IRS satellites.

Autonomous Inter-university UGC Centre at Gujarat University

Information and Library Network Centre ( INFLIBNET )
Information and Library Network Centre is an autonomous Inter-University Centre of the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India. It is a major National Programme initiated by the UGC in 1991 with its Head Quarters at Gujarat University Campus, Ahmedabad. Initially started as a project under the IUCAA, it became an independent Inter-University Centre in 1996.  INFLIBNET Centre is involve in creating infrastructure for sharing of of library and information resources and services among Academic and Research Institutions. INFLIBNET works collaboratively with Indian university libraries to shape the future of the academic libraries in the evolving information environment.

Educational Multimedia Research Centre ( EMRC )
EM2RC, Ahmedabad, is one of the forerunners among the 17 various multimedia Centres established all over India by the University Grants Commission (UGC), which were known as EMRC's/AVRC's, with the objective of generating quality higher educational software. UGC has initiated an educational television transmission, earlier named 'Countrywide Classroom'. Its original one-hour slot transmission today, has grown into a 24 hour dedicated educational channel, 'Vyas'. Not only this but the programmes generated by the centres are shown on various other channels, which includes Education International on DD Bharti. In the near future, they will be available through DTH and EduSat. Henceforth, we have a big share in television broadcasting and now our vision is in tune with the modern development of webcasting and for this the centre is geared towards multimedia development.

Courses under consideration

Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology & Social Work
This course is proposed to be conducted by the Department of Psychology with the assistance of the Mental Health Authorities Gujarat State & B J Medical College for PG students.

Post Graduate Diploma in Forensic Psychology
This course is proposed to be conducted by the Department of Psychology with the assistance of the Forensic Science Laboratory, Gandhinagar and    Mental Health Authorities Gujarat State & B J Medical College for PG students and in service professionals.

Post Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science
This course is proposed to be conducted by the School of Sciences   with the assistance of the Forensic Science Laboratory, Gandhinagar for PG students.

Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber Crime
This course is proposed to be conducted by the School of Sciences –Computer Science Department with the assistance of the Forensic Science Laboratory, Gandhinagar for PG students.

Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga
This course is proposed to be started at Physical Education Department

Post Graduate Diploma in Human Rights
This course is proposed to be started at Law Department

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