Tentative List of the Scientific Instruments to be
Purchased from UGC 12th Plan – School of Sciences
(As per the requirements and priority of respective
departments and funds available)
Department of Biochemistry
1. 2D Gel Analysis with Software and western Blot attachment
2. Spectr of lourometer
3. Microplate spectrophotometer for Nano-drops
4. Freezing and Cooling Systems
5. Research Grade Trino-ocular Microscope with Phase Contrast & Digital Camera
6. Visible Spectrophotometer
7. Refrigerated Centrifuge
8. Student Binocular Microscope
9. Real Time Thermal Cycler
10. General Laboratory Homogenizer
11. Liphilizer/ Freeze Dryer
12. Protein analysis System
13. LCD Projector with computer
Department of Botany
1. CO2 Incubator
2. Fully automatic Elisa Reader
3. Gel documentation system
4. Water Purification System
5. Water Purification System
6. Laboratory Tissue culture Inverted Microscope
7. Homogenizer for the extraction of DNA,RNA and Proteins
8. Laser Tree height measurement unit
Department of Chemistry & Environmental Science
1. UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
2. Digital analytical balance (readability of 0.1-10 mg)
3. Constant temperature water bath
4. Multifrequency Ultrasonic interferometer (1-12 MHz)
5. Rotary Evaporator
6. Ultrasonic Bath (Sonicator)
7. Vortex Mixer
8. Vacuum Pump
9. UV-Chambers
10. Digital pH meters
11. Variable Volume Micropipettes (0.1-5/10 mL)
12. TLC twin trough developing chamber (for 10 × 10 cm)
13. Fume-hood 14. Water purification system (for 10-8 mhos conductivity water)
15. Digital Melting Point Apparatus
16. Autoclave for synthesis
17. Diaphram (Vacuum) Pump
18. Vacuum controller
19. Chiller
20. Ultrasonic Probe (for synthesis)
21. Hot plate with magnetic stirrer
22. Multi-stirrer platforms with heating
23. Gas cylinders (Acetylenes, Helium and Oxygen)
24. LCD Projector
25. Spin Coating
26. Hot Air Oven
27. Pair of Glass Cuvettes
28. Pair of Quartz Cuvettes
29. Electrical Heating Mantle
30. General Purpose Centrifuge
31. High Speed Research Centrifuge
32. COD and BOD analyzer
33. Ion analyzer
DST Project- PI. Dr. Harjinder Kaur (Dept. of Chemistry)
1. A gas Addition accessory for CEM Discover benchmate microwave synthesizer
2. Rotary Evaporator
3. OIL- free PTFE diaphragm pump for rotary evaporator
Department of Computer Science
1. Mathworks
2. Line printer 132 columns
3. Network storage array
4. High end desktop workstation
5. IPS LED workstation monitor
6. Wireless Bridge/Access point
7. Wireless LAN (outside) Access point/router
8. Blade server
9. Paper shredder
10. Oracle 12C
11. DGS-3100-24
Department of Geography
1. Desktop computer Intel IV (6 No.)
2. LCD projector (2 No.)
3. Laptop
4. Laser printer
5. Satellite Imegeries
Department of Food Science and Nutrition 1. Interactive Board
2. Computer
3. Computers (under Government grant)
4. Integrated white board
Department of Forensic Science
1. Matlab & simulink Software
2. PCR
3. Furnace
4. FTIR with ATR facility
5. Spectrofluorometer
6. Digital Fluorimeter
8. Rotary Evaporator
Department of Life Sciences
1. Cell Counter-Analyzer (Cell count, Viability, Apoptosis, Cell Cycle and Kinetics)
2. CO2 Incubator
3. Autoclavable Fermenter for Microbial Culture- 3 Liter
4. 2D Gel Analysis with Software and western Blot attachment
5. Water purification system (A Pre-filtration Kit (3-Stage))
6. LED modules for Microscope Zeiss "Axio Lab.A1" with FL-LED
7. Freezing and Cooling Systems
8. Research Grade Trino-ocular Microscope with Phase Contrast & Digital Camera
9. UV Visible Spectrophotometer
10. Visible Spectrophotometer
11. Microplate spectrophotometer for Nano-drops
12. Refrigerated Centrifuge
13. Student Binocular Microscope
14. Sophisticated Microtome
15. General Laboratory Homogenizer
16. Protein Purification System (Microrotofor)
17. Bio Safety Cabinet
18. LCD Projector
Department of Mathematics
1. Computers
2. LCD Projectors
3. Printers (3-in-1)
4. Interactive Board
5. A4 Size Digitizer
6. LED Screen - 42” to 56”
7. Laptop
8. Mathematica Latest Version with Node-lock license (standalone license) for 1 user
and 3 users
9. MATLAB latest version with Node-lock license (standalone license) for 1 user and 3
Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology
1. 96 Well UV-Vis Absorbance Microplate Spectrophotometer
2. Upgradation of existing Shimadzu HPLC System with Refractive Index Detector and
Gel Permeation Chromatography Software
3. Trinocular Phase Contrast Research High Resolution Microscope with Photographic
attachment, digital camera and software for image analysis
4. Automated Microbial identification and susceptibility testing system
5. Water purification system (for 10-18 mhos conductivity water)
6. Weigh Balance (0.1 mg to 120 g)
7. Pre program UV vis spectrophotometer for water analysis
8. Surface and Interfacial Tensiometer
9. FTIR with ATR facility
10. Green house (Gothic Structure) ~288 sq. mt.
11. Gel Rocker
12. Vortex mixture
13. Cooling incubator device
14. Air conditioner for Instrument labs (1.5 tons)
15. Biomass grinder
16. Biosafety cabinate / Laminar Air-flow system class II Type A2
17. Binocular microscope
18. Weighing machine (1 mg – 200 g)
19. Microprocessor based flame photometer
20. Interactive Board
DBT BioCARe Project (Department of Microbiology)
1. Incubator shaker
2. Autoclaveble Fermentor (Bioreactor)
3. Rotary Vacuum Evaporator
Department of Physics
1. Lattice Dynamics Kit
2. Ultrasonic Interferometer
3. LCR-Q meter
4. Klystron Power supply
5. 25 MHz, Digital Readout LCD Scope
6. 25 MHz 2 Channel Digital Power Scope
7. 50 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
8. Variable voltage power supply 0V to 30V, 1A
9. Power Supply Fixed (+5V, 1A)
10. Power Supply Fixed (±15V, 1A)
11. Low Distortion Signal Generator 1 MHz
12. Function generator 1 MHz
13. Portable Hand Held DMM
14. Table Top DMM -
15. Four probe set up
16. Hall effect Set up 17. GM counter
18. Mobile Communication Trainer Kit
19. ESR Experimental Kit
20. Vacuum Pump
21. Turbo molecular Pump based Vacuum System
22. Rectangular electric muffle furnace
23. WorkStation
24. Soft wares (Multi-user license)
25. Digital Magnetic stirrer
26. Digital Hot Plate
27. Ultra sonic cleaner
28. Quarts Tube Sealing System
29. Temperature Controller with sensors
30. CST software
31. Spin coating Unit
32. Data logger
33. Laboratory microscope
34. Anti vibration table
35. KBr Die-Punch
36. Liquid nitrogen container
37. Ferroelectric Loop tracer
DRS-SAP-I, Department of Physics
1. Workstation (High performance , High End)
2. Laptop (core i7)
3. Computers (core i7).
4. Printers colour Laser Jet (D/N)
5. Softwears
Department of Statistics
1. Computers
2. Printers
3. Multimedia
4. Air Conditioner
5. LCD Projectors with screen
6. Interactive Board
7. LED Screen
8. A4 Size Digitizer
9. Software SAS
Department of Zoology and GenDiCe
1. Inverted microscope
2. CO2 Incubator
3. Weighing Balance
4. UV-visible Spectrophotometer
5. Automatic Solvent Extractor
6. Table – top model Lyophilizer with freezing unit 7. BOD (37ºC Incubator) – Small model
8. pH meter
9. Ultra low temperature cabinet (-20 degree deep freezer)
10. Cooling Microcentrifuge
11. Microcentrifuge
12. Electrophoresis Units
13. Micropipettes
14. Multi-volume UV-visible Spectrophotometer system
15. Laptop
GSBTM – FAP-2012 PI. L.B. George (Dept. of Zoology)
1. UV-VIS Spectrophotometer with PC and Printer. Quantity – One
UGC-SAP (DRS-III), Department of Chemistry
2. Spectrofluorometer
3. Bench Top NMR spectrometer
Purchased from UGC 12th Plan – School of Sciences
(As per the requirements and priority of respective
departments and funds available)
Department of Biochemistry
1. 2D Gel Analysis with Software and western Blot attachment
2. Spectr of lourometer
3. Microplate spectrophotometer for Nano-drops
4. Freezing and Cooling Systems
5. Research Grade Trino-ocular Microscope with Phase Contrast & Digital Camera
6. Visible Spectrophotometer
7. Refrigerated Centrifuge
8. Student Binocular Microscope
9. Real Time Thermal Cycler
10. General Laboratory Homogenizer
11. Liphilizer/ Freeze Dryer
12. Protein analysis System
13. LCD Projector with computer
Department of Botany
1. CO2 Incubator
2. Fully automatic Elisa Reader
3. Gel documentation system
4. Water Purification System
5. Water Purification System
6. Laboratory Tissue culture Inverted Microscope
7. Homogenizer for the extraction of DNA,RNA and Proteins
8. Laser Tree height measurement unit
Department of Chemistry & Environmental Science
1. UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
2. Digital analytical balance (readability of 0.1-10 mg)
3. Constant temperature water bath
4. Multifrequency Ultrasonic interferometer (1-12 MHz)
5. Rotary Evaporator
6. Ultrasonic Bath (Sonicator)
7. Vortex Mixer
8. Vacuum Pump
9. UV-Chambers
10. Digital pH meters
11. Variable Volume Micropipettes (0.1-5/10 mL)
12. TLC twin trough developing chamber (for 10 × 10 cm)
13. Fume-hood 14. Water purification system (for 10-8 mhos conductivity water)
15. Digital Melting Point Apparatus
16. Autoclave for synthesis
17. Diaphram (Vacuum) Pump
18. Vacuum controller
19. Chiller
20. Ultrasonic Probe (for synthesis)
21. Hot plate with magnetic stirrer
22. Multi-stirrer platforms with heating
23. Gas cylinders (Acetylenes, Helium and Oxygen)
24. LCD Projector
25. Spin Coating
26. Hot Air Oven
27. Pair of Glass Cuvettes
28. Pair of Quartz Cuvettes
29. Electrical Heating Mantle
30. General Purpose Centrifuge
31. High Speed Research Centrifuge
32. COD and BOD analyzer
33. Ion analyzer
DST Project- PI. Dr. Harjinder Kaur (Dept. of Chemistry)
1. A gas Addition accessory for CEM Discover benchmate microwave synthesizer
2. Rotary Evaporator
3. OIL- free PTFE diaphragm pump for rotary evaporator
Department of Computer Science
1. Mathworks
2. Line printer 132 columns
3. Network storage array
4. High end desktop workstation
5. IPS LED workstation monitor
6. Wireless Bridge/Access point
7. Wireless LAN (outside) Access point/router
8. Blade server
9. Paper shredder
10. Oracle 12C
11. DGS-3100-24
Department of Geography
1. Desktop computer Intel IV (6 No.)
2. LCD projector (2 No.)
3. Laptop
4. Laser printer
5. Satellite Imegeries
Department of Food Science and Nutrition 1. Interactive Board
2. Computer
3. Computers (under Government grant)
4. Integrated white board
Department of Forensic Science
1. Matlab & simulink Software
2. PCR
3. Furnace
4. FTIR with ATR facility
5. Spectrofluorometer
6. Digital Fluorimeter
8. Rotary Evaporator
Department of Life Sciences
1. Cell Counter-Analyzer (Cell count, Viability, Apoptosis, Cell Cycle and Kinetics)
2. CO2 Incubator
3. Autoclavable Fermenter for Microbial Culture- 3 Liter
4. 2D Gel Analysis with Software and western Blot attachment
5. Water purification system (A Pre-filtration Kit (3-Stage))
6. LED modules for Microscope Zeiss "Axio Lab.A1" with FL-LED
7. Freezing and Cooling Systems
8. Research Grade Trino-ocular Microscope with Phase Contrast & Digital Camera
9. UV Visible Spectrophotometer
10. Visible Spectrophotometer
11. Microplate spectrophotometer for Nano-drops
12. Refrigerated Centrifuge
13. Student Binocular Microscope
14. Sophisticated Microtome
15. General Laboratory Homogenizer
16. Protein Purification System (Microrotofor)
17. Bio Safety Cabinet
18. LCD Projector
Department of Mathematics
1. Computers
2. LCD Projectors
3. Printers (3-in-1)
4. Interactive Board
5. A4 Size Digitizer
6. LED Screen - 42” to 56”
7. Laptop
8. Mathematica Latest Version with Node-lock license (standalone license) for 1 user
and 3 users
9. MATLAB latest version with Node-lock license (standalone license) for 1 user and 3
Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology
1. 96 Well UV-Vis Absorbance Microplate Spectrophotometer
2. Upgradation of existing Shimadzu HPLC System with Refractive Index Detector and
Gel Permeation Chromatography Software
3. Trinocular Phase Contrast Research High Resolution Microscope with Photographic
attachment, digital camera and software for image analysis
4. Automated Microbial identification and susceptibility testing system
5. Water purification system (for 10-18 mhos conductivity water)
6. Weigh Balance (0.1 mg to 120 g)
7. Pre program UV vis spectrophotometer for water analysis
8. Surface and Interfacial Tensiometer
9. FTIR with ATR facility
10. Green house (Gothic Structure) ~288 sq. mt.
11. Gel Rocker
12. Vortex mixture
13. Cooling incubator device
14. Air conditioner for Instrument labs (1.5 tons)
15. Biomass grinder
16. Biosafety cabinate / Laminar Air-flow system class II Type A2
17. Binocular microscope
18. Weighing machine (1 mg – 200 g)
19. Microprocessor based flame photometer
20. Interactive Board
DBT BioCARe Project (Department of Microbiology)
1. Incubator shaker
2. Autoclaveble Fermentor (Bioreactor)
3. Rotary Vacuum Evaporator
Department of Physics
1. Lattice Dynamics Kit
2. Ultrasonic Interferometer
3. LCR-Q meter
4. Klystron Power supply
5. 25 MHz, Digital Readout LCD Scope
6. 25 MHz 2 Channel Digital Power Scope
7. 50 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
8. Variable voltage power supply 0V to 30V, 1A
9. Power Supply Fixed (+5V, 1A)
10. Power Supply Fixed (±15V, 1A)
11. Low Distortion Signal Generator 1 MHz
12. Function generator 1 MHz
13. Portable Hand Held DMM
14. Table Top DMM -
15. Four probe set up
16. Hall effect Set up 17. GM counter
18. Mobile Communication Trainer Kit
19. ESR Experimental Kit
20. Vacuum Pump
21. Turbo molecular Pump based Vacuum System
22. Rectangular electric muffle furnace
23. WorkStation
24. Soft wares (Multi-user license)
25. Digital Magnetic stirrer
26. Digital Hot Plate
27. Ultra sonic cleaner
28. Quarts Tube Sealing System
29. Temperature Controller with sensors
30. CST software
31. Spin coating Unit
32. Data logger
33. Laboratory microscope
34. Anti vibration table
35. KBr Die-Punch
36. Liquid nitrogen container
37. Ferroelectric Loop tracer
DRS-SAP-I, Department of Physics
1. Workstation (High performance , High End)
2. Laptop (core i7)
3. Computers (core i7).
4. Printers colour Laser Jet (D/N)
5. Softwears
Department of Statistics
1. Computers
2. Printers
3. Multimedia
4. Air Conditioner
5. LCD Projectors with screen
6. Interactive Board
7. LED Screen
8. A4 Size Digitizer
9. Software SAS
Department of Zoology and GenDiCe
1. Inverted microscope
2. CO2 Incubator
3. Weighing Balance
4. UV-visible Spectrophotometer
5. Automatic Solvent Extractor
6. Table – top model Lyophilizer with freezing unit 7. BOD (37ºC Incubator) – Small model
8. pH meter
9. Ultra low temperature cabinet (-20 degree deep freezer)
10. Cooling Microcentrifuge
11. Microcentrifuge
12. Electrophoresis Units
13. Micropipettes
14. Multi-volume UV-visible Spectrophotometer system
15. Laptop
GSBTM – FAP-2012 PI. L.B. George (Dept. of Zoology)
1. UV-VIS Spectrophotometer with PC and Printer. Quantity – One
UGC-SAP (DRS-III), Department of Chemistry
2. Spectrofluorometer
3. Bench Top NMR spectrometer
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